Frequently Asked Questions
For 3D, 4D, 5D ultrasound, we recommend having your service between 14–35 weeks. It is possible to get beautiful images after 35 weeks, but limiting factors such as baby position and lack of fluid become more likely because the baby is getting bigger and running out of extra room.
Please refer to the below link to see examples of images at different gestational ages. The classic "chubby cheek" image is best achieved at 28–35 weeks, but there is no shortage of adorable at every age and stage!
3D Imaging can be done anytime after 14 weeks!
For 3D ultrasound, the same ultrasound is used as in traditional 2D imaging. The sound is emitted from the transducer, but this time in multiple slices. The 3D ultrasound image is created by using an algorithmic process to produce a 'volume'. This volume is interpreted by sophisticated software, and an accurate 3D image of the baby can be created by the operator. These rendered images have incredible surface detail, which will amaze and delight. You will get a first glimpse at your baby's facial features and other anatomy. 4D incorporates motion, so you can witness your baby's movements in real time and 3D. Amazing!
5D ultrasound adds another layer of realism to the 4D images, with different colors of skin tones.
Yes! You can request imaging of the fetal genitalia either through the scanning package or as an add-on.
NO PROBLEM! If you are looking forward to a surprise and do not want to see the genitalia, it is very easy for us to accommodate this and your surprise will remain just that, a surprise! It will not affect the rest of the scan or any imaging. We are also able to offer you a reveal card to take with you, should you want to find out after the scan. It is all up to you, and we are happy to help!
There are several factors that influence the ability to obtain an image in either 2D, 3D, 4D and 5D, and the quality/resolution of that image.
Fetal position is imperative. If the baby is looking down throughout the exam and hiding the face, or other anatomical structure of interest, it is not always possible to effectively image that area. However, our skilled operators will work hard for you, and with you, to coax and encourage baby to move into a better position.
Fluid. While in the womb, babies are surrounded by a liquid known as amniotic fluid. In order to acquire 3D images, the area of interest must have fluid in front of it. This is nothing that you can control or influence, but rather is a dynamic state in utero during pregnancy. It can even be affected by the baby's position and how the fluid is distributed throughout the womb. It is possible to still image babies with low fluid levels in the area of interest with 2D ultrasound.
Distance. Ultrasound imaging depends on the fact that sound waves are transmitted via the transducer (probe) into the body, bounce off of structures, and return to the transducer. Soundwaves weaken as they travel; this is called attenuation. The farther the distance traveled, the weaker the return signal. As a result, image quality differs from person to person, depending on the distance that the sound will travel through the body.
Finally, any overlying structures can partially or totally obstruct the image. Hands, feet, placenta, and cord can make it difficult to image the face well. We are very often able to acquire images of the face, but there are sometimes, rarely, when it is not possible.
Ultrasound has been used in pregnancy as a medical diagnostic test for over 30 years. The consensus is that ultrasound is a safe option for imaging in pregnancy, and is completely different from X-ray as it does NOT use radiation.
Most women will have 2-5 routine medical ultrasounds throughout their pregnancy.
No. This is not a medical appointment. This is an opportunity to receive an entertainment ultrasound and bond with your baby. This lends itself to a completely different experience that will not feel as clinical, but rather will be centered around you, your baby, and your family. Medical ultrasounds in pregnancy are extremely important and are invaluable in the management of your health and your baby's health. We do not screen for fetal and related abnormalities. This is not an alternative to your medical ultrasound.
This service is for the emotional component of your journey through pregnancy, and memorializing these milestones.
As this is not a medical appointment, this service is not covered by insurance.
Nested within Hello Gorgeous Skin Lab,
2507 14 St. SW
Calgary, AB T2T 3T8